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Stop leaks, fast.

With Zojacks, our system is designed with a three-tiered approach. Protect, detect, and react. 

Our system operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No internet? No power? No problem. 

Water sensors are battery-operated and always connected to the hub. A leak or temperature drop is detected quickly, triggering a reaction. 

The Waterstop turns off the water, stopping any potential issues. 

With the ability to shut off water manually, connected directly to your waterlines, you can rest assured that water issues will be kept to a minimum.

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- Up to 1,300 meters of two-way encrypted communication
- Ethernet, Wifi, and SIM card connection 
- Connects up to 200 devices per hub
- Up to five range extenders
- 15-hour battery backup

Range Extender

- Up to 1,300 meters of two-way encrypted communication
- Able to communicate to the hub via ethernet or radio
- Frequency hopping for the maximum connection
- 38-hour battery life in the event of a power outage
- Connect via Zojacks app or online portal
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Water Sensors

  • Detects leaks 24/7/365
  • 0.15 second alarm trigger when water detected
  • Up to five years of power with installed batteries
  • Connect via Zojacks app or online portal
  • Multiple contacts to detect water fast


Air Quality Sensor 

  • Monitors Carbon Dioxide, humidity and temperature
  • Up to 1,700 meters of radio communication with a hub LED colors indicate CO2 levels: green, yellow, red, or purple
  • Designed for challenging conditions, including high condensation risk
  • Accuracy: ±0.2°C for temperature, ±2% for humidity. 15 years of measurements with an accuracy of ±(30 + 3%) ppm
  • Wire-free and no need for recharging
  • 3-year battery life

Flow Meter

  • Attaches externally to pipes.
  • Eliminates the need for plumbers.
  • Requires no pipe cutting.
  • Operates without batteries.
  • Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use (IP67 rated).
  • Provides alerts and budgeting via its app.
  • Monitors water use in real-time for efficiency.
  • Features a water goals tool for sustainable management.
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  • Automation based on leak detection, schedules, or security. 
  • Manual control via button
  • Up to 1,100 meter signal (subject to building materials)
  • Mounting Lockers available to mitigate malicious intent
  • Up to three years of battery life
  • Connect to Zojacks app or online portal
  • Available in a range of plumbing sizes
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